New Ross Flyer

Our local flyer is distributed to all the residents of New Ross, and is produced at the Centre and can be viewed on our website, unless you are a New Ross resident, then one is delivered to your home the last Wednesday of every month.

If you want to send us an ad for the flyer:

Full page ad = $30

Half page ad = $15

Third of a page ad = $10

You can pay by dropping off cash or cheque at the Centre, or by e-transferring your money to: (there is no password)

Please either drop off your ad printed to the Resource Centre, bring a written copy so we can help you type it up, or email a copy of your ad to





Flyer July 2022 2  Insert July Flyer

Flyer August 2022 August Flyer Fair Insert

Flyer September 2022

Flyer October 2022

Flyer November 2022, Fair Results 2022, list of donators for fair 2022

Flyer December 2022

Flyer January 2023, veteran banner spread

Flyer February 2023

Flyer March 2023

Flyer April 2023, sharon millett_Letter to Public Works

Flyer May 2023

Flyer June 2023

Flyer August 2023, 2023 Fair Information, Fair 2023 Schedule Handout

Flyer September 2023

Flyer October 2023

Flyer November 2023

Flyer December 2023

Flyer January 2024

Flyer February 2024

Flyer April 2024 (4)

Flyer May 2024 (1)

Flyer June 2024

Flyer July 2024 – complete version